1 ADSL- Asymmetric DSL.
2 ANSI - American National Standords Institute.
3 BISDN - Broadband ISDN.
4 BRI  - Basic Rate Interface.
5 CDPD  -Cellular Digital Packet Data
6 DSL   - Digital subscriber Line.
7 DUN  - Dial -Up Netwaork.
8 EIA    -Electronic Industries Alliance.
9 FDD  - Floppy Disck Drive.
10 FDDI    -Fiber Dstributed Data Interface
11 FOSS  -Free and Open Source Software.
12 HDD   - Hard Disck Drive.
13 HDSL   - High data rate DSL.
14 IAB  - Intenet Architecture Board.
16 IEC  -International Electrotecnical commision.
17 IEEE  -Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
18 IOS - International Organizatiion for standerlization.
19 ISDN -Intergrated Services Digital Network.
20 OSI- Open Systems Interconnect.
21 PAN-Personal Area Network.
22 PLC -Power Line Communication.
23 POTS -Plain Old Telephoe System.
24 PPP -Point - to - Point Protocol.
25 PRI -Primary Rate Interface.
26 PSTN -Public Switched Telephone Network.
27 RAM- random Access Memory.
28 ROM -Reed Only Memory.
29 SDSL -Symmetric DSL.
30 TIA- Telecommunication Industry Association.
31 TSP -Telecommunication Service Providre.
32 UPS -Uninterruptible Power Supply.
33 VDSL -Very high data rate DSL.
34 VoIP -Voice over IP.

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